The Seasons of Advent & Christmas
"Advent" means arrival. This season is marked with the joyful remembrance of Our Lord's first advent, his birth thousands of years ago in all humility; and the hopeful expectation of his second advent, Jesus Christ's triumphant return in all glory. Advent then calls us to prepare for his arrival. In penitence, that is sorrow for our sins, we prepare to meet our Lord at Christmas. We do this by attending Mass to hear of God's plan to save the world with the coming of the Messiah, being fed by his presence in the Blessed Sacrament, and praying for his return.
Following Advent is the celebration of the Season of Christmas. This twelve day period begins on the Nativity (birth) of Our Lord commonly called Christmas Day, and continues to The Feast of the Epiphany when we commemorate the Wise Men's arrival, and onward to the culmination at Jesus' presentation in the Temple.. We exchange gifts with our loved ones, sing Christmas carols, and begin to learn again God's plan of love for the world.
Liturgy Schedule
First Sunday of Advent: December 3rd at 9:00am
Second Sunday of Advent: December 10th at 9:00am
Reconciliation Hour: December 15th at 6:00pm
Third Sunday of Advent: December 17th at 9:00am
Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 24th at 9:00am
Vigil of Christmas: December 24th at 6:00pm
Nativity of Our Lord: December 25th at 9:00am
Sunday of Christmastide: December 31st at 9:00am