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The Bishop


The Bishop is the pastor and ecclesiastical authority of the diocese and is responsible for the defending and teaching of the faith. The bishops of the Church are the successors to the Apostles of Christ assuring the continuation of the Church through confirming the faithful and ordaining the clergy. 


Our bishop is the Right Reverend Matthew A. Gunter, XII Bishop of Wisconsin. He was consecrated bishop for the Diocese of Fond du Lac in 2014 and became Bishop of Wisconsin as the dioceses in the state were reunified in 2024. St. Peter's welcomes the Bishop among us from time to time as his episcopal visitation schedule allows.

The Rector

The rector is the pastor of the local church. He is responsible for the worship, theology, and ministry in the parish. Our rector is the Reverend Father Paul S. Coey. Father Coey was called to St. Peter's in 2021. He has a background in parish and chaplaincy ministry and personal interests in history, archeology, and film.


Father is excited for this next chapter in St. Peter's life focusing on forming disciples, ministering to the community, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Drop in to meet our priest or his beloved pup Hildegard.


 The Vestry


Linda Palmer, Senior Warden

Dale Robson, Junior Warden


Alicia DeCarlo, Class of '26

Michael Finney, Class of '27 & Clerk

Heather Schneider, Class of '28


George Palmer, Treasurer 

The vestry is the body of elected lay leaders. They help define and articulate the mission of the congregation, support that mission by word and deed, and ensure effective organization and planning. They ensure adequate resources in leadership and in financial stewardship and determine that appropriate programs, policies, and procedures have been developed and are followed. 


 The Staff

Jennifer Abraham, Financial Administrator

George Palmer, Office Administrator

Barbara Zirwes-Nysse, Music Minister

Michael Finney, Outreach Minister 

Dale Robson, Sexton


The Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 9:00 AM

Evening Prayer: Thursday 6:00 PM
Holy Days: As Listed on Website
Confession: By Appointment

Church Address

104 Elm Street

Sheboygan Falls, WI

Contact the Rector

Mobile: 920.313.7379

Office Hours

Monday & Wednesday

9:30 AM — 12:30 PM

Contact Information

Office: 920.467.6639

Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 

To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

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